Just finnised my first-time Course-Based Teaching Experience, so I tried to document some thoughts.

The course that I taught at Shanghai HD bilingual schhol is a quarter-long (11 week) course as an after-school program. The curriculum covers hands-on science experiences, which is focused on engineering, physical science etc. Students are all Pre-k. Typically, 20–30 students are enrolled in a class.

In the class time, students were split into 4-5 teaching groups to collaborate throughout the quarter. They explored Optics with mirros and polarizing filterts, explored matter with balloons and liquid.
After these courses, Pre-k students did improve in content knowledge, and science communication skills.

It was a great opportunity to learn about teaching—by doing some teaching. Like I said, I raised awareness about careers in STEM teaching and increase self-efficacy. But it also left some questions for myself.

-Would it be better to design courses for undergraduate to be given such teaching expericence?
-To what extent does the teaching experience impact undergraduates’ perceptions of science teaching?
-Can they perceive the impact of the teaching experience in their later lives?